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Welcome to my blog. Im always looking for new ways of bringing people together to build campaigns. Im always amazed by the energy and passion of the people I meet and the different skills they bring to making change happen - the ideas we try out, the campaigns we work on, the relationships we build together. I want to share those stories with you. I hope you enjoy them!

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if you lost your home, who would help you?

What an amazing way to organise by Crisis! They're launching a new campaign tomorrow to help prevent people becoming hidden homeless. We all know someone who's been down that road and some of us have been there too.

The recession isn't just about big bailouts and bonus bandits, most of the people who are feeling the full fury of the crisis are not the Fred Goodwins of this world or even those who will have to pay an extra five percent of tax.

It's the people who are waiting for their turn in the jobcentre queue, the people trying to pay back their debts or the people sleeping on friends' and families' floors, hostels, B&Bs or on the streets. Not the silent majority, the hidden majority.

Let's not get depressed about this, let's dance about this...Not to celebrate but to campaign for all these people to be noticed by the government and, well, by all of us to be honest.

You could get to see the best bands - like Hot Chip and...Dodgy ("staying out for the summer" anyone?). You also get to see how precarious hidden homelessness is - now that Crisis won't be revealing where the venues will be held until the day before the gig.

It is important that everybody possible is saved from homelessness, and in the recession we are particularly concerned for private tenants. Please write to your local MP and urge them to sign EDM 1154 calling for proper protection for the hidden victims of the recession – private tenants.

What can you pledge?

Get your bells on and buy tickets for the gigs here

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